
A wealth of skills, a spirit of innovation, support for career paths, diversity of courses, professional immersion… Grenoble Alpes University is the territory of exploration for all students!

The Institute of Alpine Geography (IUGA) is one of the best universities in France to study geography, urban planning and local development. Led by passionate students and teacher-researchers.

The Master 2 “Tourism Innovation Transition” is one of the facets to understand the issues of society and transition in the mountains.

“The “Pacte” Joint Research Unit is a social science laboratory that brings together teams from the CNRS, UGA and the Institute of Political Studies (“science po”).

The Labex ITTEM – Innovations and territorial transitions in the mountains – brings together researchers from nine laboratories in the humanities and social sciences.

Would you like to join a university site recognized for its scientific excellence and its potential for innovation?

A wealth of skills, a spirit of innovation, support for career paths, professional immersion… Université Grenoble Alpes is the place to explore for all students!